середа, 11 лютого 2015 р.

                             How to improve education system

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. This is the words of very clever politician Nelson Mandela. I honestly think that education is very important. It’s common knowledge that without education it’s very hard to exist nowadays so we should bear it in mind.  We saw two videos in which Ken Robinson and Sugara Mitra speak about education system. They said that now a lot of us faced an obvious problems with getting an education. Why is that? The answer is easy because our education system is wrong. It hasn’t changed for a long time. Of course, some changes took place and they caused marked improvement. But it is not enough. I take the view that the rough idea is that we should grasped the importance of working in small groups.
 The advantages are obvious. Nobody will play truant, because the teachers will see everybody. The students can show initiative and pass material that they learnt by heart and because of that get marks more often.
It is now a widespread belief between students that we shouldn’t do courses from additional lessons that are not connected with our future profession. Opinions are divided but most think that students should attend only the core subjects because the rest not important lessons need a lot of our attention in order to pass final tests or exams.

Some people who do the lectures say that attendance is by wish but the truth is that we must attend all the lectures in order to complete a course with flying colors.