вівторок, 25 листопада 2014 р.

I think everybody has solely one big dream or even several of them. I have dreamt about creating my own translation corporation. I don’t know how it would be called, but I think the name would be interesting but it would take a lot of time to imagine it.
The translations would work with the fiction books not the instructions, because it is too boring. The job would be suitable for that people who are initiative, like working in groups and know what team spirit is. Also for those who used to be accountable to anyone but themselves. Both ways of work have its own pros and cons. For example, if you want to work alone you might be encounter quiet periods, a degree of isolation. Work in group has a common goal and is good for morale, but if somebody doesn’t fit in, it can be disruptive and can undermine the work of the team.
The company would provide performance-related bonus scheme, maternity and paternity leave, comprehensive healthcare provision, company pension scheme, benefits package, allowance, 30 days’ holiday entitlement and subsidized canteen.
I think it would be an average corporation that would be specialized in translation. Staff would translate not bestsellers but some unknown books that are rather interesting.

неділя, 23 листопада 2014 р.

                                   Vocabulary Classes
The trimester is ending. Looking back it is noticeable that there were some really useful subjects. One of them was The Vocabulary of Modern English.

I want to tell you my brief summary of the subject. It brought me enormous benefits. To be honest, I make a real effort to absorb all this new words and I am glad that there weren’t really great difficulties. Main concern was to make our English better using a lot of different collocations. Sometimes there was an utter chaos in my head because I didn’t know how to use some words but our teacher made it clear for us.
By the way, there also were smiling familiar faces of my group mates that really helped me to overcome all this considerable difficulties. The lessons were interesting. There were interaction and collaboration that make us feel team spirit better. We did a lot of creative tasks as writing our goals, making dialogs, singing songs and so on. So it was eventful. It is true, that I will miss this subject.

In conclusion I want to admit that now I’m sure”Practice makes perfect”. In future I will also do my bests to achieve my aims.

понеділок, 3 листопада 2014 р.

The happiest moments in my life

One of the happiest event of my life are meeting with my best friends. They all are essential part of my life, I always think with sadness, and horribleness about how my life would be like without my friends. I am sure that I would be bored without them. Because we always do some crazy things, have fun, cheer up each other, spent every free minutes together.
 Moreover, we have a tradition to have a camping at least ones at month. I am really over the moon of felling the connection with nature, felling the sun’s rays on my face and of course of being with my friends. At such moments, I fell calm and ecstatic.
What is more, I live in very beautiful place Kremenets. I grew up spending time in wild nature and walking in the forest. I always feel my heart pounding because of these magnificent vie. I am not such person who lose my temper and who always bottle my emotions at my friends.  So that I really feel strong connection with nature, when I feel that I am close to tears and feel depression I go to the forest for a walk alone. It always help me to reduce stress, to make all clear for me.

In the end I would like to say that, it is very important to have people who take interest in your problems, who are close to you. Personally I am really happy and pleased to have such friends. I heard one very good proverb “blood is thicker than water”. I can tell with sureness that my friends are my family and my heart tell me that we always will be together.

                                “MECHANICAL ORANGE”

On the 3th of October to Ostoh arrived one of my favorite group “MECHANICAL ORANGE”. I was totally overjoyed of it. My group mates and I were the participants of concert and we were over the moon of this fact. We all were impressed of their new songs that shows how patriotically they are. You know that in our uneasy time for Ukraine it is very important to show our team spirit and support. The participants of group are bikers so they also sang songs about their style of life, about their friends who were bikers and died. In generally about freedom, friends and love.  
Besides, the best of that evening was not only “MECHANICAL ORANGE”, but also the time that I spent it with my group mates. One of them was Sasha Barabash. As you know, at all universities students began to pass their exams and they all became stressed. Of course, I am not exception. I can give you some piece of advice how to reduce stress. Just spend time with your friends. I am sure that just next day you would feel calm, pleased and would be delighted with your life. In my opinion, friends are the best way to achieve it. Therefore, when I feel tired and that I am close to tears I always try to come into contact with my friends.
So “MECHANICAL ORANGE” helped me to relax, spend time with friends,reduce the level of stress and simply enjoy good music.