середа, 29 квітня 2015 р.

His story, her story

   War is always a vast loss of civilians and innocent people that don’t  have beneficial effect on the events.  During the war, many people suffer from the dire consequences,  and improper handling of weapons can create a bad impression.
   September 1, 1939 the Poland was attacked by Germany. Needless to say, military and civilian people were mobilized and enlisted, some of them were in reserve.
   September 27, 1940 was negotiated a peace agreement between Germany, Italy and Japan was signed the Tripartite Pact. Covenant predicted that the next 10 years the participating countries will offer each other support and make a breakthrough in achieving geopolitical goals, chief among which were identified restore a new world order, keeping peace and make progress in science.
   Furthermore, December 18, 1940 was another cunning Hitler plan of "Barbarossa", it was the code name of the Third Reich war plan against the USSR. Plan "Barbarossa" anticipated fleeting military campaign of complete defeat of the Red Army and admiration of European part of the USSR on the line Volga - Arkhangelsk, which caused on uproar and it caused a sensation in humans, but underlying cause has not been identified.

Every war has dire consequences, but always after black stripe white comes.

пʼятниця, 24 квітня 2015 р.

The letter for future second – year student
I would like to share with you my feedbacks about the course of vocabulary classes. You will put yourselves in my shoes soon. I would like to make this blog useful for you. I hope it will help you to understand what this course is like.
First of all your friendship with you group mates will grow. You will chat each other up so it will help you to learn how to use all this new collocations. You should take your ideas up in order to present it in a proper way. Try not to lose your temper if you can’t do something from the first time.  You also should have a strong sense of responsibility and keep your words to enjoy fruits of your work.  Also you should have such aspects of your personality as good sense of humor and razor – sharp mind.
Make sure that you understand the importance of this subject because without it your language would be as poor as it was before it. So if I were you I would pay more attention to it. If you do this it will produce good results, great progress and great success and you will see remarkable achievement. If you think that this subject bring you negative effects be sure that it will produce the opposite ones and you will have brilliant success if you work hard.

I wish you good luck. Thank you for reading it, I hope it will somehow help you. 

четвер, 23 квітня 2015 р.

"Students' Lifestyle Guide"
Nowadays there are many problems with health among teenagers. Especially among that ones who are students. They left home and entered the university where they are alone without parents who are carrying about them. This situation may cause some health problems.
I am a student too. Therefore, I can compare my daily routine in the university to that one which was at home. Most students have a bad habit they are not cure their diseases in a proper way. If they catch a cold or have an attack of hay fever, they just cure it not fully. It is very harmful and can cause serious consequences. They rarely ask the doctor to prescribe some tablets to relieve the pain when they have serious illnesses.
A lot of health problems are because sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy nutrition. We eat mostly boiled or fried food, junk food or even fast food, ready meals or have quick snacks. It sometimes causes food poisoning, eating disorder and spoils appetite. So we should cut down the use of this kind of food and make sure if it is not GM foods.
Not only overeating can cause obesity but also the lack of physical activity, it also can cause the danger of heart attacks.  We should take regular vigorous exercises or follow fitness program.
I hope that students including me will pay more attention to their health in future.   

середа, 22 квітня 2015 р.

The proposal
One sunny day Margaret was walking down the street. She was thinking about her life. She was only 22 but she had achieved many goals by that time. She was a fashion model. Margaret’s face was on the cover of a lot of magazines. It was not only because her appearance (oval face, upturned nose, slim figure, slender waist, lovely complexion, beautiful sleek, shoulder – length hair), but because her attitude to life. Margaret had a huge charisma.
What is more, she wasn’t spontaneous and happy – go- lucky, vice versa she was down – to –earth. She always was a good company because of her good sense of humor. At work, Margaret gave the impression of being supremely confident with a strong sense of responsibility and brutally honest.
Some days ago, her dream had come true. Mark, the man she was mad about made her a proposal.
-          Margaret, - he said, - you know I think a world of you and always wanted you to be mine for good. Will you marry me?
-         Oh my God…yes…of course yes…- she answered with a tears on her face.
That day all her thoughts was only about marriage that would come soon.

“Green Ukraine 2030”
There are many problems facing the world nowadays. A lot of which connected with environment. They are urgent and we should find a solution how to prevent it.  Some of them seems to be not as scaring as they should be. The most dangerous problem is a global warming. Also there problems that are not directly connected with a climate change. Such as deforestation, desertification, air pollution. Some are the result of climate change or happen without any clear reason. Such as drought, earthquake, flood, tsunami, typhoon, volcanic eruption.
Ukraine is also faced a lot of environmental problems. Unfortunately, a big amount of endangered species is under a threat. These animals are on the verge of extinction. Our government should solve this problem by creating more nature reserves. What is more, in our country should be more protected animals.
We have also energy waste, so we should conserve energy at home by switching to energy – saving eco light bulbs, using tumble dryer, rechargeable batteries and solar chargers.
It is only a drop in the ocean, there are much more problems that our government and especially citizens must solve. Of course, first of all, green taxes must be introduced.

Daunting tasks on a regular basis must be done to prevent problems facing not only Ukraine but a whole world. “Green Ukraine 2030” will be our first step to this aim.

понеділок, 23 березня 2015 р.

                                       On the move 

Hi, Victoria. I hope you remember me. My name is Valentina Gallo. You helped me and my family to get accustomed  to living in new country some years ago. You were the only one person, who impulses me to get the hang of living in America. You've helped me to overcome the cultural shock and you've amused me when I felt nostalgia for my native country, for Italy.
I want to share my impressions with you. It was  my first week in New York, so I tried To get acclimatized to the atmosphere of the USA. I had known that New York is vibrant city and cobbled streets made it more fascinating. I got a new passport so I dealt with passport issues. They were checking if it is valid or not forged. Now everything is OK)I have a lot of friends because in NY there are a big Italian ethnic group and I integrated in it. I was afraid to feel a discrimination here but, fortunately, my fears did not come true and  also I wasn’t deported. When I have free time I go for a wander, do sightseeing, laze around and get away from it all to get around discovering new stunning and flourishing places. So as you see I like my new home.

Looking forward to receiving your answer,
Valentina Gallo

                                News travels fast

