середа, 22 квітня 2015 р.

The proposal
One sunny day Margaret was walking down the street. She was thinking about her life. She was only 22 but she had achieved many goals by that time. She was a fashion model. Margaret’s face was on the cover of a lot of magazines. It was not only because her appearance (oval face, upturned nose, slim figure, slender waist, lovely complexion, beautiful sleek, shoulder – length hair), but because her attitude to life. Margaret had a huge charisma.
What is more, she wasn’t spontaneous and happy – go- lucky, vice versa she was down – to –earth. She always was a good company because of her good sense of humor. At work, Margaret gave the impression of being supremely confident with a strong sense of responsibility and brutally honest.
Some days ago, her dream had come true. Mark, the man she was mad about made her a proposal.
-          Margaret, - he said, - you know I think a world of you and always wanted you to be mine for good. Will you marry me?
-         Oh my God…yes…of course yes…- she answered with a tears on her face.
That day all her thoughts was only about marriage that would come soon.

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